Cells in microbial colonies integrate information across multiple spatial and temporal scales while sensing environmental cues. Cyanobacteria, like Synechocystis sp, are photosynthetic microbes and even though cells can respond individually to light, colonies are observed to move collectively towards the light source in dense finger-like projections. Cells can locally interact through type IV pili-mediated physical attachment, as well as through the secretion of complex polysaccharides (‘slime’) that facilitates cell motion. We propose an ‘agent-based’ model for cyanobacterial phototaxis that incorporates slime deposition and pili-mediated cell-cell interactions. The talk will outline how our results capture observations from recent experiments on cyanobacterial colonies under various illumination schemes. Our modelling approach allows us to investigate the possible mechanisms through which cells integrate information under complex illumination schemes, and to quantitatively address the emergent nature of the observed collective motion.
Dr Varuni P
Varuni P is a Project Scientific Officer at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc). She has been coordinating the institutional scientific outreach initiatives at IMSc for the past 8 years which includes programs for school and college students and teachers as well as for the general public. Her scientific interests include microbial populations and collective behaviour. She currently works with the Vigyan Pratibha project developing mathematics and science resources to help teachers nurture and deepen mathematics and science learning in government schools.